Dialoguing how to create environments where people can develop a relationship with Jesus.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Experiencing Belonging

How do you (or might you) help an individual entering an evironment to experience the sense that they belong in that particular environment?


Blogger Will said...

Is it kosher to answer your own question? Anyway - we've been brainstorming this one in the Life Groups team, along with several volunteers. We did this by breaking it into two questions prompted by an article that Myron handed to us a few days ago. Here are the two questions and some thoughts:

"What makes you feel like you belong (in a big room, a class, a life group, a family)?"

People talk to me, preconceived notions are overcome, genuine interest in one another, things in common, people hear me, shared experience which leads to shared story, known, some level of comfort, give and take, "insider" - know the info, acceptance, intentional decision to belong, friendships.

"What makes you feel like you really NEED that group?"

Primary friendships are there, realization of the value of the group, provides a needed service - meets needs whether financial or emotional, seeking to replace a lost connection (due to relocation or even death), the group is establisheed in your routine, you realize that your belonging is needed by others.

As a ministry, we're constantly tweaking what we do and seeking ways to facilitate each of the items above through administration, communication, training, and reinforcement of these within the environment.

8:25 AM


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